bee covered in pollen

Soulful Pauses Blog

Pause. Notice. Trust.

The art of living whole, connected, healed, inspired.


6 Inner Peace Tips to remind you how to ground and care for yourself well when your mind, body, spirit, heart is caught in a storm.

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Hi. I'm Dr. Birdi Sinclair

Be Bold

Be Curious

Be Yourself

Be Connected

Welcome to our oasis where we explore what words sometimes fail to describe, but are timeless experiences of joy, grief, awe, betrayal, confusion, and magic that we all share. The art of life moves us in music, visual arts, nature...

Together, here, we can ask ourselves,

Why do we hunger for beauty?

This question touches the longing we have in the wholeness of our self we know is there, but we often set aside in the hubbub to do more, faster, be enough.
The trouble with living on this fast questing, is we lose our self-trust, our sense of belonging, forgetting we are enough.

When life slows us down in the crossroads, the changes we can't breeze by, and it comes time to make decisions we can feel adrift, unsure how to trust our Selves.
Here, we will bridge back home to our Self.

Beauty, Magic, Awe anchors us to our own connected life force
that we all know we share.

In a Soulful Pause, we remember.   @birdisinclair

Dr. Birdi Sinclair